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long division 【數學】長除法。

long dozen

One afternoon i had then been three weeks at lowood , as i was sitting with a slate in my hand , puzzling over a sum in long division , my eyes , raised in abstraction to the window , caught sight of a figure just passing : i recognised almost instinctively that gaunt outline ; and when , two minutes after , all the school , teachers included , rose en masse , it was not necessary for me to look up in order to ascertain whose entrance they thus greeted 一天下午那時我到羅沃德已經三星期了,我手里拿了塊寫字板坐著,正為長除法中的一個總數發窘,眼睛呆呆地望著窗外,看到有一個人影閃過。我幾乎本能地認出了這瘦瘦的輪廓。因此兩分鐘后,整個學校的人,包括教師在內都全體起立時,我沒有必要抬起頭來后過究竟,便知道他們在迎接誰進屋了。

Acting on intelligence received , officers of yuen long division led by the divisional commander mounted a raid on a premises at 127 tai shu ha road east in tong tau po tsuen at about 3 . 45 pm today ( january 6 ) and seized some 180 to 200 kilograms of fireworks and firecrackers . the seizure could fetch some $ 40 , 000 in the retail market 元朗分區人員在接獲線報后,由分區指揮官帶領下,在今(一月六日)午約三時四十五分突擊搜查大樹下東路一百二十七號塘頭埔村一處所,檢獲一百八十至二百公斤的煙花爆竹,市值約四萬元。

At about 6 . 35 pm today ( august 24 ) , while police officers attached to the task force of yuen long division were conducting an anti - juvenile crime patrol , they saw three knife - wielding men wearing masks rushed into a game centre at 8 yuen long pau cheung square 今日(八月二十四日)晚上約六時三十五分,元朗分區特遣隊人員在進行反青少年罪行巡邏時發現三名蒙面及持刀的男子闖入元朗炮仗坊八號一間游戲機中心。

Police officers attached to the rural patrol unit of yuen long division seized about 13 kilograms of fireworks in an abandoned hut in muk kiu tau tsuen during an anti - fireworks operation at about 12 noon today . the seizure is worth about $ 3 , 000 隸屬元朗分區鄉村巡邏隊的人員于今午約十二時進行一項針對與煙花爆竹有關罪行的行動時,于元朗木橋頭村一間被棄置的小屋發現約十三公斤煙花,價值約三千元。

Nowadays i add , subtract , multiply , and do long division when no calculator is handy , and i can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch , but that is about all that i ' ve kept from the language of numbers 現在的我,若是手邊沒有計算器,便通過心算處理加減乘除;有必要時,我還能應付代數、幾何,甚至三角運算;但是話說回來,數字世界留給我的也就只有這些零星點滴了。

To put this in perspective , think about long division . raise your hand if you can do long division on paper , right now . hands ? anyone ? i didn ' t think so 以透視的方法來對待的話,考慮用用長整除. (汗一個,感覺譯的不準確)現在就舉起你的手如果你能在紙上做長整除.手嗎?誰呢?我可不這么認為

To put this in perspective , think about long division . raise your hand if you can do long division on paper , right now . hands ? anyone ? i didn ' t think so 以透視的方法來對待的話,考慮用用長除法.現在就舉起你的手如果你能在紙上做長整除.手嗎?誰呢?我可不這么認為

To put this in perspective , think about long division . raise your hand if you can do long division on paper , right now . hands ? anyone ? i didn ' t think so 具體的來看,考慮用長除法?如果你能在紙上做長整除,現在就舉起你的手.會有人舉手嗎?至少我不這么認為

It is more beneficial to have my child in his seat in the fifth grade practicing long division 讓我的孩子在他們的五年級的位置上訓練龍獅是非常有幫助的。

Can you do long division 你會長除法嗎

Cleaning your room , doing long division 清理你的房間,長期的分開。

In fifth grade , i was just learning long division 五年級我剛學到長除法

Can you do long division ? 你會長除法嗎?